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Childhood Myopia In Singapore: 7 Myths Busted

Singapore has one of the highest rates of childhood myopia. As parents, we understand you want to be able to help your child prevent or cope with myopia. However, there are many old wives tales that parents believe in, which unfortunately does not help your child's myopia.


Here are 7 myths about childhood myopia that are not true -



Myth 1 – The increase in childhood myopia is the direct result of the increase in smart device usage amongst kids.


Although the increased usage of smart devices affects the chances of getting myopia, it is not solely to be blamed. Any kind of activity that is done close to your eyes, such as studying or reading.


Myth 2 – LASIK solves all myopic problems and ensures eagle vision forever


Biologically, myopia causes the eyeballs to elongate. LASIK does not shrink the eyeball back to its perfect vision size. However, it does shape the cornea to allow light to focus onto the retina without the aid of glasses or contact lenses. Even after LASIK, without proper eye care habits, myopia can return.


Myth 3 – Your child’s spectacle degree will decrease if the spectacles degree is lower than your child’s.


This is not true at all. In fact, it’s the opposite. Under-correcting may leave your child to have a blurrier vision due to the use of incorrect lenses.


Myth 4 – Childhood myopia is reversible with eyedrops


This is yet again another myth. They are primarily used for slowing down the progression of myopia in children as mentioned by Dr Deborah Tan, Associate Consultant, General Cataract and Comprehensive Ophthalmology Department, Singapore National Eye Centre. However, it’s always best to seek an optometrist before applying any kind of eyedrops. Click here to book an appointment with one of ours now!


Myth 5 – Myopia will go away once you hit adulthood


While this may be true for some children, it cannot be said for all as myopia varies in severity for all children.



Myth 6 – The room’s light is enough while doing work closely at the desk.


The room’s light is usually insufficient and a desk lamp is recommended to go along with it. Interested to know why just your room light isn’t enough? Click here to read more.


Myth 7 – Myopia isn’t hereditary


According to research conducted by Duke University Medical Center, the chances of myopia in 7-year-old children were 7.3% when neither parent was myopic, 26.2% when one parent was myopic, and 45% when both parents were myopic.

Myopia, if not tended to properly, can definitely be a major hindrance in everyday life, especially for young active children. Click here to learn more about what you can do to protect your child’s eyes from myopia.