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It’s not uncommon to see our NSF recruits struggling to stay frugal, and we don’t blame them, given the scheme of their salaries. As such, if there’s a way to save a few extra cents and dollars on your spectacles, we’re sure you’d like to know how.

Every enlistee will be handed a Recruit Handbook upon their first day of NS. Yet, how many of us actually read through the entirety of it? We guessed so. Surprisingly enough, it is stated in the handbook that NSF enlistees are entitled to a $40 subsidy when they buy a new pair of spectacles for National Service!  This means that you can purchase any black-framed spectacle of your choice, from any optical store, and get a $40 subsidy from your purchase upon enlistment!

Before you happily make your new purchase, here are some of the finer details to note.

Firstly, your claim will only be considered valid if it is made within 1 month of your purchase. A receipt with your full particulars must be presented when you submit your claim. So don’t forget to keep the recipt and don’t purchase your brand new spectacles too early before enlistment!

Once you have all your details ready, find a good time to hand them over to your company sergeant or clerk. We suggest going at least 1 week before you hit the 1-month expiration date, so that there is enough leeway for the administrative staff to process your claim completely. Don’t be shy to check regularly with your sergeant about the status of your claim!

Looking to save more than just $40 on your brand new spectacles? How about giving COOSH a shot? Ergonomically designed for NSFs, COOSH serves to be your trusted 3rd buddy all the way from BMT to ORD. What more, we have a special offer exclusively for NSFs – every purchase of COOSH comes with a set complimentary lens. Say goodbye to your fear of damaging your glasses during NS! Interested? Click here to get your COOSH on, or here to learn more about COOSH.