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Sports Vision Tracking – Enhancing athletes

For the athletic bunch, by now, it is safe to assume that you understand the significance of vision and eyesight during sports activities. However, do you know how exactly to train certain aspects of sports vision? Take for example your reaction time. Reaction time is crucial in fast-paced sports as it may determine whether or not the game is in your favour.

That’s where sports vision tracking comes in handy.  But what exactly is sports vision tracking? Hand-eye coordination sports like baseball, volleyball, basketball and badminton are very dependent on good vision and your ability to see and react quickly. Sports Vision Tracking – as a whole – helps athletes and their coaches measure the ability of your brain in order for your eyes and hands to be able to work together.

However, what are the key sports vision tracking methods that could be applied to train athletes?

Hand-Eye Co-ordination

Use one hand to throw a tennis ball against a wall and catch it with the opposite hand. Repeat as many times as you can in a minute. This can train your reaction to be faster and stimulates your brain for an appropriate physical response. 

Depth Perception

Working on depth perception is crucial when it comes to avoiding obstacles like when a ball is rolling towards you. One way you can work on it is an exercise known as “penny drop”. This exercise is done by two people and you will need someone to aid you. Your partner stands a few metres in front of you holding a coin between their index finger and thumb with a cup in front of them. From there they will move their hands in random directions and you will have to tell them where to drop the coin so that it will land in the cup.

Although it may appear to be niche, Sports Vision Tracking techniques can also be applied to developmental eye exercises for kids, which are truly beneficial to their eye health. If you’re interested in similar techniques to monitor and train vision, click here!